Duluth Cesar & Rolando Lopez Peruvian Coffee Washed Wholebean - 5#

Duluth Cesar & Rolando Lopez Peruvian Coffee Washed Wholebean - 5#

Item # 5-LOPEZ-W

The Lopez brothers, Cesar and Rolando, farm coffee deep in the hills of Ihuamaca, Cajamarca, Peru. The brothers grow a wild array of beautiful flowers alongside the coffee plants at a high elevation of 1930 masl. Ihuamaca is a long drive from the nearest city, but the rugged mountains provide ideal coffee growing conditions. The cherries are removed the day after picking to be fermented in a tub for up to 20 hours. After fermentation, the seeds are washed to remove the mucilage before the final drying stage on raised beds. Peru has some of the greatest coffee potential we’ve seen. Haubal is nestled into the mountainous region of Cajamarca. The Andes Mountains shape the area and provide unique growing conditions that are prime for coffee cultivation. We’ve been blown away by the quality of coffee coming from Cajamarca.

5#, Wholebean, ea
Manufacturers Item #5-LOPEZ-W